In Dead End Loans You’ve Got To Avoid: Part 1 and Part 2, you had a chance to see the bad side effects of pay day loans, car title loans, credit card cash advances, casino loans and pawn shop loans. In part 3 we are going to cover other kinds...
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Dead End Loans You’ve Got To Avoid: Part 2
Financial binds can trap anyone, but before you go out looking for a loan there are some options you may never want to consider. In Dead End Loans You’ve Got To Avoid: Part 1, we covered payday loans, car title loans and tax preparer loans. Now in part 2 we...
Dead End Loans You’ve Got To Avoid: Part 1
A tight financial bind usually pushes people into making desperate financial decisions. Those decisions usually show up in the form of loans. While not every loan is bad, some loans should be avoided at all costs. In part one of Dead End Loans You’ve Got To Avoid, you will see...
Is Someone Using Your Child’s Credit?
Though they may be too young to have a credit score, parents should be proactive about checking their child’s credit report. Kids can easily become victims of identity theft and if not monitored, the scam against them can go on for years before anyone ever notices it. One red flag...
Best Lowest Interest Rate Credit Cards
Everyone wants a low interest rate credit card. Unfortunately, everyone won’t qualify for one. If you want to try your luck and apply for one anyway, here are the best credit cards offered in America this month, according to Even though the better your credit, the stronger your chances...
What Is Your Credit Card Terms & Conditions Really Saying
When you’re ready to apply for a new credit card, keep in mind the terms and conditions. Read through them carefully. By doing so, you ensure that you are aware of all the following: Introductory rates – These are rates offered by the company and will go up after the...
Ouch! You’ve Just Been Denied Credit – Here’s What To Do Next
So, you’ve applied for a loan and found out you were DENIED. You probably feel bummed, but you may also be wondering what to do next. Before you get up in arms about the situation, see this as a great opportunity. Now you have a chance to investigate any issues...
Cons to Getting Department Store Credit Cards: Part 2
If you’ve been thinking about getting a department store card, be careful. Although there are advantages to having them, there are disadvantages as well. In part one, we covered the high interest rates and limited use of store cards. Now, we’re going to cover a couple of more disadvantages that...
Cons to Getting Department Store Credit Cards: Part 1
When you go into a store, it’s not uncommon to get an offer for their store card. In fact, they make big money off of this method. But, before you grab one there are some things you should be aware of. In part one of “Cons to Getting Department Store...
Pros To Getting Store Credit Cards
If you’ve ever gone into a department store before, more than likely you’ve been invited to apply for a credit card. Credit cards are very lucrative for retailers, which is why they offer them nearly every time you go. Here are some perks and pros to getting a store credit...